About CDSF

Czech DanceSport Federation

  • is registered association within the meaning of the Act no. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
  • is a voluntary association of people with the same interest in DanceSport. The association is founded to satisfy and protect the interests of its members in DanceSport on recreation, performance and top level within the scope of their mission and activities.
  • the headquarter is based in Prague.

Purpose of CDSF

The purpose and mission of CDSF is methodologically and organizationally support development of DanceSport, defend the interest of its members and promote their legitimate demands.

CDSF purpose is, in particular:

  • To create space for the appropriate use of leisure time by people interested in DanceSport, thereby ensuring broad base particularly in the categories of children and juniors,
  • To provide conditions for the excellent level of Czech DanceSport internationally.

Elected CDSF representatives

  • President – Ing. Rostislav Filgas

  • Executive board

    • 1st Vicepresident – Ing. Filip Karásek
    • 2nd Vicepresident – Ing. Martin Dvořák
    • Member of executive board – Ing. Radek Felcman
    • Member of executive board – doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hudeček Ph.D.
    • Member of executive board – Martin Odstrčil
    • Member of executive board – Ing. Ondřej Sliška

  • Supervisory board

    • Mgr. Jiří Vrána
    • Jan Durdovič
    • Ing. Jan Šíd

  • Arbitration board

    • Mgr. Tibor Stano
    • Mgr. Linda Henzélyová
    • JUDr. Pavel Zuzka

More information you can find in Statute of association.