Finále DSE soutěží 2021 - Záhřeb

Z důvodu Covid-19 omezení bylo finále DSE Children European Grand Prix soutěží přesunuto z Ukrajiny do Chorvatska. Finále DSE soutěží proběhne dne 11. 12. 2021 v Záhřebu, včetně vyhlášení cen DSE Ranklistu 2021. Ceny budou předávány prvním třem nejlepším párům DSE Ranklistu v kategorii Děti, Junior I a Junior II. Pro více info čtěte dále.

Celé znění dopisu WDSF:

"Dear DanceSport Europe Bodies,

DSE Managing Committee would like to inform you that the Final of the Year of the DSE Children European Grand Prix will be moved from Lviv (Ukraine) to Zagreb (Croatia) on 11.12.2021, due to COVID restriction in Ukraine.

We would be grateful if you could inform your dance couples about this change.

We hope that all the leading couples of the DSE ranking will find an opportunity to participate in this final competition where the ranking of the year will be finalized and the winners of the 2021 European Grand Prix Series in the age categories of Juveniles, Juniors-1 and Juniors-2 in the Standard and Latin will be announced.

The top three couples of the ranking in each category and discipline will be awarded with special prizes from the Dance Sport Europe.

In case if some of the winners are unable to attend, awards will be delivered directly to couples.

Also, the DSE Managing Committee will announce the best organizer of the year, who will receive the right to conduct the DSE CEGP for the following year free of charge.

The Final ofthe Year in Zagreb will be streamed online, which you can learn more about from our social media.

Best regards,

Managing Committee the WDSF Continental Association of Europe"

Leták - WDSF DSE Zagreb