WDSF kongres pro porotce - Sibiu

Dne 5. 11. 2021 od 10:45 se bude v rumunském městě Sibiu konat první prezenční WDSF kongres pro porotce v tomto roce. Přihlášky a další info naleznete ZDE.


Citace dopisu WDSF:

"Dear President, Dear Member,
 The WDSF Academy is pleased to announce our first In-Person Adjudicator’s Congress to be held in Sibiu, Romania on 5 Nov 2021. The details of the congress is as follows:
Date : 5 Nov 2021
Time : 10:45am to 18:10pm
Congress : WDSF Adjudicators Congress with English Comprehension Test and General Knowledge Test

Lectures and Time Table :
10:30am - Registration
11:00am - Roles and Conduct of WDSF Adjudicators by Nenad Jeftic)
12:00pm - Latin Dance Lecture by Roberto Albanese
13:30pm - Break
14:15pm - Standard Dance Lecture by Pietro Braga
15:45pm - Break
15:55pm - GK Test
16:45pm - English Comprehension Test
17:10pm - AJS Retest
18:10pm - End of Congress
Host City: Sibiu, Romania
Place : Hilton Hotel, Padure Dumbrava Nr 1., Sibiu 550399, Romania
Local Organiser : Romanian DanceSport Federation, email : office@danceacademy.ro
Local Administration Contact Person : 1. Daniela Apatiel, Tel: +40 744473255, 2. Mircea Gavrila, Tel : +40 743040001
Closing Date for Entry : 2 Nov 2021
This is not an AJS Congress, however it will include an AJS Theory Test for participants who failed the AJS Theory Test in 2019. Participants who need to take this retest may do so free of charge. Please register for this retest by sending an email to the WDSF Academy at academy@wdsf.org by 31 Oct 2021. Participants for this retest may report at the congress at 16:30pm. Alternatively participants may also join the full congress by paying for the congress.
Kindly be informed that the WDSF Academy will resume running of In-Person Congresses when the situation permits. The Academy will still continue to provide On-Line Congresses for our officials.
Please sign up for the congress at this link :

Warm greetings, 
WDSF Academy"