Kongres WDSF Stuttgart - porotci 11. a 12.8.2019 / funkcionáři 18.8.2019

Pro porotce WDSF a funkcionáře WDSF. Viz Číst dál

Please be informed that the WDSF Academy, DTV and the GOC GmbH will be organising the following congresses at hotel Maritim, Stuttgart, Germany, The schedule of the available congresses are as follows:

Sunday 11 Aug, Monday 12 Aug 2019 – WDSF AJS JS 3.0 Absolute Judgement Course

Time: Sunday, 12pm to 7pm – New Applicants and Licensed Holders who need to attend an AJS course to obtain JS 3.0 AJS qualification must attend both days on 11 Aug and 12 Aug 2019.

Time : Monday, 9:00am to 7:00pm (AJS Course exam from 9:00am to 1:00pm, 1:00pm to 7:00pm additional lectures)

Course Fee for 2 days – CHF 250, to sign up on line by 6 Aug 2019. Payment must be made on line, no registration or entry allowed on day of course.

Monday 12 Aug 2019 – Standard and Latin Open Combined Congress – Keeping the Character, Breaking the Boundary

Theme : A special congress touch on topics on creative choreography combining modern trend and characterised technical figures.

Time : 1:00pm to 7:00pm (Athletes, Adjudicators attending as a normal Adjudicators congress)

Open to :

  1. Licensed adjudicators  who need to attend a congress to keep license active(sign up on line by 6 Aug 2019)
  2. Athletes – Register with Athletes Commission or sign up on day of congress on 12 Aug 2019
  3. Participants of AJS Course on 11 Aug 2019, this is the part II of the AJS Couse, exams will be held on this day from 9:00am to 12:00pm.

Course Fee :

  1. CHF 100 for licensed adjudicators, coaches and observers attending one day congress
  2. CHF 50 for all Athletes with WDSF ID Cards
  3. FREE for AJS Course participants of 11 Aug 2019

*Please be informed that with effect from 15 Aug 2016, all adjudicators must have attended a WDSF Absolute Judgement System (Formerly known as the JS 2.1 Course) Methods of judging and Assessment Course and passed the examination in both theory and practical in order to be eligible to judge competitions/championships using the AJS/JS 3.0. These events include all Championships, Grand Slams, Cups, Games and WDSF World Open(from 1 Jan 2017).

This course will also meet one of the entry requirements for upgrading of WDSF Adjudicator¹s license B to A.

Existing licensed holders may attend this course as a regular WDSF Adjudicator¹s Congress.

Course Content:

1.  The evolution of WDSF Judging System.

2.  Principles of Absolute Judgement.

3.  Definition and usage of Performance Assessment Standards(PAS).

4.  Definition and usage of Indicative Qualities (IQs).

5.  Practical Assessment using Absolute Judgement.


Test/Examination :

Part I : Theory test(Multiple choice) on PAS and IQS taught in the course and information in the WDSF Adjudicator¹s Handbook. Once the entry is being received by the WDSF Academy through on line registration, a copy of the WDSF Adjudicator¹s Handbook will be emailed to all participants free of charge. Participants should register as early as possible and start preparing for the exam by reading and understanding the Handbook.

Part II : Practical Test(watch a video performance, analyse the performance, identify the qualities and award the points)

To pass the test, participants must past both Theory and Practical modules of the test. Participants who passed only one module may reschedule a retest for the failed module.


Conditions for Retest:

1.                  Retest applicants must have attended and paid for an AJS course previously.

2.                  Up to 2 FREE retests is allowed within a period of 18 months from the date of the failed test.

3.                  Applicants who failed a single module of the test (either practical or theory) may sit for the retest of the failed module only.

4.                  Retest applicants will not be permitted to attend the AJS Course but may be present to take the retest at the appropriate time. Latecomers will not be entertained.

5.                  Retest applicants may attend the AJS Course at a discounted price of CHF 125.

We are glad to inform you that the on-line registration for congresses is now available, this new process save time, cost and make it more convenient for everyone.

All existing WDSF licensed officials can sign up to a congress themselves and do not need to go through their national member body. The congress fee must be paid by the Adjudicator/Chairperson directly when signing up. This will save you additional work in managing their registration forms and collecting the fees. We made a short tutorial video on the process of registration here: https://youtu.be/qtPG_s3eHbQ

For new applicants of a WDSF adjudicator’s/Chairperson's license or observers at a WDSF congress, the registration can only be done by the WDSF NMB. The NMB can pay for the applicant online or delegate the payment  to the applicant. Please view this tutorial video on how to register a new applicant/participant to a WDSF congress: https://youtu.be/boPTsNeLrvo

These tutorial videos will also be available here: https://www.worlddancesport.org/Rule/Official/Education/RLS_Management

Dear Members, Officials,

Please be informed that the WDSF Academy, DTV and the GOC GmbH will be organising the following congresses at hotel Maritim, Stuttgart, Germany, The schedule of the Chairperson’s Congress is as follows:

Sunday 18 Aug 2019 – WDSF Chairperson’s Congress

Course Fee : CHF 100

Venue: GOC Adjudicator’s Hospitality/ Dinning room

Time Table :

09:00am -­ Registration 

09:15am -­ Roles and Responsibilities of WDSF Chairpersons ­ 

10:00am -­ Management of WDSF World Ranking Tournaments­

10:45am - Break

11:00pm ­- Dress Regulations ­ 

11:45pm -­ Chairperson¹s Report

12:30pm - Lunch Break

01:30pm - Competition Enforcement ­Measures

02:30pm ­- Skating System

03:15pm - Break

03:30pm - Competition Rules, Q & A ­ 

04:15pm ­- Break

05:00pm - Examinations (New Applicants only)

06:30pm ­ End of Congress

(Existing Licensed Chairpersons may leave the course at 4:15pm) 

We are glad to inform you that the on-line registration for congresses is now available, this new process save time, cost and make it more convenient for everyone.

All existing WDSF licensed officials can sign up to a congress themselves and do not need to go through their national member body. The congress fee must be paid by the Adjudicator/Chairperson directly when signing up. This will save you additional work in managing their registration forms and collecting the fees. We made a short tutorial video on the process of registration here: https://youtu.be/qtPG_s3eHbQ

For new applicants of a WDSF adjudicator’s/Chairperson's license or observers at a WDSF congress, the registration can only be done by the WDSF NMB. The NMB can pay for the applicant online or delegate the payment  to the applicant. Please view this tutorial video on how to register a new applicant/participant to a WDSF congress: https://youtu.be/boPTsNeLrvo

These tutorial videos will also be available here: https://www.worlddancesport.org/Rule/Official/Education/RLS_Management