Pořádání WDSF PD soutěží 2022

Vážení organizátoři, WDSF vypsalo výzvu na pořádání soutěží WDSF Professional Division 2022. Jedná se o soutěže typu PD Championship, PD Cup, PD Super Grand Prix, PD World Open a PD Open. V případě zájmu zašlete odpovídající formuláře na sekretariat@csts.cz ke schválení na jednání VR. Pro více info čtěte dále.

Citace dopisu WDSF:

"Dear WDSF PD National Member Bodies,

Dear DanceSport Colleagues

We are glad that WDSF and WDSF Professional Division competitions restarted this autumn without major problems and we believe that it will be getting even better in 2022. Therefore, if you consider the possibility to organise a PD Championship, PD Cup, PD Super Grand Prix, PD World Open or PD Open Competition in 2022 please send us a bid with the appropriate of the two Application Forms attached to this email. All Applications received until 30th November will be considered by PD Management Board in December 2021.   

2021 WDSF PD World Championship Standard (Adult) granted to Slovak DanceSport Federation has been cancelled recently due to the worsening Covid-19 situation in Slovakia. PD is already considering some options for replacement but would like to give the equal opportunity to WDSF PD Member Bodies and their organisers. Therefore, if you or an organiser in your country are interested to organize 2021 WDF PD World Championship Standard (Adult) in November or December 2021, please send your bid not later than Friday, 8th October 2021 at 18:00 CET.   

If you need any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact PD Office or directly PD Director Mrs. Verena Šulek.

Best Regards,

PD Office

on behalf of WDSF PD Director Mrs Verena Sulek"
