Pořádání DSE Super Final 2023

Vážení organizátoři soutěží, DSE vyhlásilo výběrové řízení na pořádání soutěže Super Final 2023. V případě, že se chcete výběrového řízení účastnit, zašlete vyplněný formulář na sekretariat@csts.cz nejpozději do 2. 2. 2023 12:00. Pro více info čtěte dále.

Dopis DSE

"Dear members, 

The DSE Managing Committee has opened a bidding process for granting the Super Final of the Year - 2023, and the first applicant has been received. 

DanceSport Europe members can send their applications till February 10, 2023, after which the bidding process will be closed. 

The application for the Super Final must be submitted on the attached form with an additional letter in which all the organizational conditions that the organizer will provide are listed.

The DSE Managing Committee will publish the decision no later than February 28, 2023.

About Super Final:

  • The Super Final of the year completes the Grand Prix calendar series, where the winners of the Super Final and the winners of the annual raking in each category and discipline are determined. 
  • The Super Final of the year is held in December, and it is organized by DSE Member Body or member of DSE Member Body.
  • Organizer of the Super Final of the year must provide basic requirements: live stream of the competition, prizes for couples, a judging panel with at least 9 judges from 9 different countries.
  • It is desirable that, in addition to the basic ones, the organizer provides additional benefits for participants (accommodation, special prizes, etc.)
  • The competition fee of 400 euros is paid by the DSE Member Body.

For all additional questions, we are at your disposal.

Managing Committee the WDSF Continental Association of Europe"

DSE Competition rules - Dancesport European Grand Prix