Generální sekretář WDSF

World DanceSport Federation hledá nového pracovníka na pozici Generální sekretář WDSF. Případní zájemci zašlete životopis, motivační dopis a osvědčení o minulých zaměstnáních na adresu Pro více info čtěte dále.

Původní znění dopisu:

"Dear National Member Bodies,

Further to the recent resignation of the WDSF General Secretary, the World DanceSport Federation is now looking for potential candidates to replace Mr. Felli in that position.

Attached is the Job Description corresponding to the role.

The WDSF Managing Committee welcomes any applicants from the National Member Bodies who would have the corresponding skills and experience.

Applications for the position can be submitted to and should include:

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation
  • Certificates of past employments

We look forward to receiving applications.

With Kind Regards,

The WDSF Managing Committee"

WDSF General Secretary - Job Description Sept 2021